It has been a strange and difficult year, and we’ve been extremely lucky all things considered. Kaleb and I are both able to work either outside or remotely, and we’ve stayed safe and cozy at home. I’m so grateful to have my little apartment and my big garden and my cat and my person. And almost more than anything, our saving grace this year has been our truck. Abigail (this truck is robust and feminine) let us hold onto some semblance of normalcy via BC summer road trips.
We love to travel. But I’ve realized that it means something different than what a lot of people mean when they talk about travelling. Our favourite way to travel is by car, and our favourite place to travel is here in beautiful BC. International travel isn’t something we miss because I don’t remember the last time we did it.
While Covid prevented us from going further afield than we might have (remember Southwest 2019?), we still got to hit a handful of our favourite places and a few new ones too. So without further ado, I humbly submit for your perusal some of my favourites from BC Summer Road Trips Season 2020.